▪ Students shall dress neatly and decently.
Students should be in Uniform in class hours.
▪ Students shall always behave with dignity and
▪ Students are permitted to meet parents only on
second Saturday of the month. In case of emergency, student/Parent should take
prior permission from class teacher/house parent.
▪ Students shall desist from damaging the college
building, disfiguring the walls, furniture etc. by writing or sticking bills.
Such actions are offensive to good taste and are a positive disservice to
succeeding generations of students. The cost of the damage, if any, will
be recovered.
▪ No student shall leave the classroom without the
permission of the teacher or until the teacher has left the classroom. Students
coming late shall enter the class only with the permission of the teacher.
▪ If somebody wishes to meet a student of a class
that is in progress, she/he shall do so only after getting the written
permission from the class teacher/house parent.
▪ No meeting or entertainment shall be organized in
the college without the permission of the principal.
▪ Any article lost or found shall promptly be
reported to the office.
▪ Students are advised to follow the announcements
on the notice boards.
▪ Students are forbidden from organizing or
attending any meeting in the college or to collect money for any purpose
without the prior permission of the principal.
▪ No student shall indulge in any activity which
may cause disruption to classes or disturbances in the college campus
▪ Political activism is strictly banned in the
campus. Students are forbidden from organizing or attending meetings other than
the official ones.
▪ Ragging, teasing, intimidating, harassing, using
words of abuse etc are punishable
▪ Students or outsiders are not allowed to be
present in the campus after 5 P.M. without the permission of the
Principal/House Parent.
▪ Students should report to the college on time
after vacation.
▪ Students shall be sent home during vacation only
with parents.
▪ No Student is permitted to bring mobile phones to
the campus. Student is allowed to use only class teacher/house parent mobile
if required.
▪ No outside food allowed during parents visit.
▪ Student should not bring any Medicines to hostel.
Health care will be provided in the campus.
▪ Students are not allowed to maintain harmful
items with them (ex: knifes, scissors, nail polish, medicines etc.,) Kit
inspection will be done regularly